Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!!!

Just getting ready to head out for the night.

Everyone at grandma Vicki's house to wish her a
Happy Birthday. Uncle Eric and Aunt Laura holding
the twin cousins (Van and Townes), then in the
bumble bee costume is cousin Isabelle.

Trick or Treating with friends!
Above is with Lily and Addie,
below is with Andrew and Isaac.

Our friends neighborhood is just a huge
party, fun stuff to do and eat everywhere!

Pumpkin Carving!

Carter and Sam had so much fun carving pumpkins
with mom. They especially like it when they get to
make big messes and then play in it.

School Halloween Parties

Carter had a blast at his school party. They had
food, made a craft, played some games and did
a Halloween parade through the school to
show off their costumes.

Sam's school did all the same things as Carter's.
Sam had so much fun, wishes he could do that all
the time. I helped his class for the 1st hour then
had to go pick Carter up from school. So Carter
got to come back with me and play in Sam's class
for the last 30 minutes, Sam thought that was cool!


I didn't get a picture of Drayben playing football,
but i did get a picture of Sam and Carter freezing
in the very windy 40 degree weather. You would
think 3 blankets, jackets, warm hats and gloves
would have keep them warm, but no. They still had
to get in the car for the last quarter. Drayben's team
did win the game and is playing in the championship
game this coming Wednesday. I will post some pics
and the results of the game next week!

Roasting Marshmallows

Roasting Marshmallows
Carter loves his big brother Drayben more than his parents. So Cool.....

Smooth Operator (Carter)

Smooth Operator (Carter)
Working the camera

Angie and Carter

Angie and Carter