Thursday, April 16, 2009

Birthday Breakfast April 15th


Ryan and Kristie said...

You are such a good mom! I'm gonna have to try that next year. Make sure we get the day started off right. I love you!

Stacia Cummings said...

Happy Birthday Sammy! I think he is very proud of the fact that he is three. He didn't want me to forget it. I'm so sad we didn't make it there in time for the party. I love birthdays and Beckett loves your house so it would have been a good time. Thanks for letting us play there this weekend. We had a blast. See you soon.

Roasting Marshmallows

Roasting Marshmallows
Carter loves his big brother Drayben more than his parents. So Cool.....

Smooth Operator (Carter)

Smooth Operator (Carter)
Working the camera

Angie and Carter

Angie and Carter