Saturday, December 12, 2009

Carter & Drayben's Birthday

Birthday breakfast for Carter!
The kids love doing this the morning of their birthdays.
We did chocolate chip pancakes just this morning for
Drayben's Birthday, but didn't get a picture.

This is where Carter wanted to celebrate his
6th birthday with his friends and brothers.

Grandma didn't leave Sam out of
getting new pajamas too, even though
it wasn't his birthday. Carter and Sam
share the same love for p.j.'s.

Family came over to celebrate Carter and
Drayben's birthdays. They got lots of great
gifts and we got to eat some yummy cake!

Drayben wanted to go to dinner and and bowling
for his 13th birthday with a friend, dad and mom.

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Roasting Marshmallows

Roasting Marshmallows
Carter loves his big brother Drayben more than his parents. So Cool.....

Smooth Operator (Carter)

Smooth Operator (Carter)
Working the camera

Angie and Carter

Angie and Carter